“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” –Benjamin Franklin
Tax season is an inevitable part of springtime. As the world grows greener waking up from its winter slumber, people begin to open up the books and figure out how to protect the green in their bank accounts. As Benjamin Franklin said, few things in this world are certain except for death and taxes. Though they’re a necessary part of every financial year, many people hesitate until the last possible minute to begin filing their taxes. Some may not even have the necessary paperwork ready. There’s no need to fret if you’ve been postponing your taxes. Though we’re only a few short weeks form the April 15th tax deadline, you’re not out of luck quite yet. Friedman Accounting, Inc. is here to help with your last minute tax needs.
If you’re a business owner, tax season can be especially stressful. You’re already focusing on the day to day operation of your business, the last thing you want to worry about is your accounting needs. Still, ignoring your accounting responsibilities during tax season can only bring added stress down the road. This is where our experts at Friedman Accounting, Inc. can help. Our team is comprised of some of the best accountants in Coral Springs. Our expert accountants can help entrepreneurial businesses of all sizes. We can offer guidance and invaluable assistance to get you through the tax season. One of our specialties is tax perpetration services in Coral Springs. Our team has years of experience with taxes, we have a tight grasp on tax law and what changes in the law can mean for your personal taxes.
Many businesses fall into similar deduction traps while trying to get the highest possible tax returns in Coral Springs. Many business owners attempt to claim a home office which is either nonexistent, or filed as too large on the tax return. Here are some major ways to identify if you qualify for a home office deduction:
- Your home is the principal location of your business
- You have meetings with clients/customers at home
- You are an employee using part of your home for business
The only real way to tell if you and your business qualify for a home office deduction is to seek the advice of a professional accountant from our team at Friedman Accounting, Inc. Our detailed tax preparation services in Coral Springs can help you determine your exact deductions.
We’re getting into the final hours of tax season, if you haven’t started your taxes it’s imperative to seek assistance from a professional accountant. Our team will strive to help you file your return swiftly. Otherwise, it’s time to consider filing for an extension so you can get all of your paperwork in order. Don’t let April 15th slip by without filing your taxes or an extension, call us today.